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About breto33

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  1. I will second the advice to stay away from Tim Dahle, i am in the process of trying to cancel my deal with these jackasses right now, by far the worst experience I have ever had in buying a vehicle.
  2. Do you have a pic with the helos on? Where did you guys buy from, local or online. Trading my 2015 in on a new 2018 with a 4x4 conversion with a leveling kit so can still only go up to 275/65/20 buy the thought of stock wheels on it is making me sick.
  3. Update - I called Timbren and they sent me shorter ( i think like 1 1/2" shorter) rubber springs to swap out and now the ride is back to what it was before i installed. Still rougher than factory because i put a little larger AT tires on it, but definitely not as bouncy. Havent towed yet since the change.
  4. I have had these installed for 4 months and I think the ride is much worse with them. Every little bump is noticeable and the roads in Iowa and Missouri it feels like you are constantly bouncing. I also notice a lot more interior popping and creaking since I installed them. I really wish they had some clearance from the axle with no load. I think I am either going to cut an inch or so off the bottom or go back to the factory ones. I haven't towed my camper with them yet but my regular trailer definitely feels a lot heavier after installing these. And it seems like my tires spin much easier in wet grass now and don't get traction with the trailer hooked up.
  5. DeniseB have you resolved this issue yet? We have a similar issue and it is driving me crazy.
  6. The rear vents in my NVP 3500 do not put out very much air and it gets hot back there quickly. Does anyone else have issues with this? Is there somewhere else other than the 2 dials above the mirror that control the rear?
  7. I have a magnet mount antenna, my question is where to run the wire itself i dont see any place in the firewall to do so. There are some plastic caps covering blots in the door jambs, but no where to get the cable through to the interior. I need to be able to use all of the seats, and I have my unit mounted on the dash, so i cant run an antenna from the rear.
  8. Has anyone added a cb type antenna to their NV passenger? I am curious if there is an easy way to run the antenna without having to drill into the body to make a hole to run it.
  9. Heavy Metal doctor A trailer unfortunately is not a great option as once I take off it is frequently people driving that can not back a trailer and the necessity of them getting to me quickly almost insures dents in my nice new van, as well as getting in and out of launch nd landing spots is sometimes tough with a trailer. I had an extended e350 before, and had a tommy lift on the back that by iself probably weight 700 pounds. I then put the basket on it and the other items in the back. It was a little springy up front and not fun to drive, but it worked, and this is a very common set up for ballooning. If the e350 could handle it I realy hope the NV can and the platform weighs less than 100 pounds compared to the tommy lift. I had the platform built yesterday and will get some pics posted for you to see later, unfortunately I now cant open the rear doors with the platform installed which is a ittle inconvenient and we will have to put the envelope in the side door. Does anyone make a front receiver for the NV? I have a platform for the front I can put my inflator fan on so not having the doors open would not be a big deal if i had a front hitch.
  10. KMG did you go with these tires? I am getting 265/70/17E Bridgestone Dueler AT Revos installed next week and wondering if you had to have speedo recalibrated?
  11. ASD Dad are these the ones you have: http://timbren.com/products-page/ses/NRNVHD/
  12. ASD Dad Do you only have the tuner or do you have any other mods done? Intake, exhaust? Thanks
  13. Just got my 2015 3500 NVP SL tonight. It was a strange drive home not having my teeth rattle in the usual spots when driving my E350.
  14. Well I went ahead and puled the trigger tonight and bought a black SL. Off to the welding shop tomorrow to see what they can do will update when I get it done.
  15. Thanks for the responses. I cant see very good photos of the hitch anywhere and didnt look that closely when i test drove (dealer is 45 minutes away) I just want to make sure it is going to be possible to have a shop weld another receiver bracket on each side in order to slide a custom made platform into it and be supported in 3 spots. Anyone happen to have any pics underneath of the hitch and frame? Thanks
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