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About Spacecaptain

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  1. My van also does this when hard braking or hitting a driveway lip too hard. Its a bother to think about and have to turn off the sonar from the console, but actually helpful to know its more common than we thought and that your van is'nt exactly melting or breaking because of it.
  2. I recently had a my VBC (variable blower control) "resistor" fail and i easily replaced it with a new one to remedy the problem. Weeks later, i found the blower set on max would ramp down in RMP for a moment before kicking back into full speed, it would do this momentarily every couple minutes. I didnt think much of it until one morning turning on the A/C resulted in a quiet audible "pop", sure enough the 15a blower fuse beneath the steering collumn was out. I replaced it with another only to have it pop instantly as well. I have gone thru a couple packs of fuses trying to diagnose what is overloading it with no sucess. I recently changed my headlights to H13 LED's but the lamps did not have proper DRL, causing the headlights to flicker on and off. I did not change them out in time and now the DRL's do not work at all. The F3 10a fuse (DRL relay fuse) under the hood was not popped, yet still no DRL. Changing back to stock halogen lamps, no working day-running lights. The 15a fuse under the steering collumn was fuse-tapped to accomodate a rear view screen (auto on/off with ignition) and it has worked great for almost a year. Removing both the headlamps and fuse-tap for rearview still result in a blown 15a fuse when the A/C blower is turned on. My best guess is that the fried DRL system (fuse is fine?!) is somehow the larger culprit Thoughts?
  3. Following. I am also looking to upgrade my head unit. Im unsure what level of audio package i have in my nv, but i have what looks like a stock level head unit ( orange LCD, large center vol/power knob). I usually upgrade to whatever premium headunit was available at the time, but after the fact and usually second hand. In the same fashion, i was going to upgrade to the OEM nav unit 25915ZT56A but it sounds like a good handful of you guys are having bad experiences with it. Also dont want to lose the steering wheel controls, my local installer says they can get a Pioneer AVIC to work with oem controls, yet to bee seen/proven.
  4. My end goal plans include a 3 battery bank with solar panels on roof, but for starters i am doing a single 12 aux battery that i will relocate to behind the drivers seat. It will be hooked up to a 2000w inverter nearby and im hoping will be the groundwork for the future add ons. I have read the stock battery can be turned 90deg and moved to accomodate another battery, keeping both batts together under the hood. I believe it involves fabricating some bracket or holder, maybe a modded dual box will suffice but i havent looked too deep into it yet. I read this on the titan owners forum (one of them). As for a battery bank in the spare tire location, seems like a really great idea, but then where do i put my spare tire? I just upgraded to Nitto terra grapplers and sprung for the 5th, it would be a shame to leave not have it in a pinch. I could go with a door mount, but that seems like it would weigh the door and just make me want to splurge on alumness. For me, too much of an endeavor to entertain for now. Also my immediate needs only call for one battery, i will have to slowly grow into and build the batt bank. I'll likely do what most others here have done and run 0ga thru the firewall, under driver seat, and into cargo area.
  5. I've been following you folks' posts about solar panel setups. I had almost ordered the topper tubular rack when i discovered these monocrystaline solar panels. They are flexible and can be hard (or soft) mounted directly to the roof. I may even have them on the roof underneath a rack as i dont intend on having it loaded up (covering panels) full time. Just thought id point it out as an option to hard mounting on a frame. A friend has two of these on his RV and has no complaints. https://www.amazon.com/HQST-Monocrystalline-Lightweight-Solar-Panel/dp/B017OMTAV6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1477842467&sr=8-2&keywords=flexible+solar+panel
  6. Wow. I had no idea these were readily available for phree.99 I'm very used to paying for a haynes service manual, but they dont make one for the 2500/3500. KMG thats really useful, i printed it for the garage, thanks. Jaredg, thats what im talking about! what a treasure trove, i'm happy to collate them all myself. Thanks NVmigos!
  7. Looks like i've answered myself. Found the correct parts numbers and schematic on factorynissanparts. It seems the chrome bit is just a stick on, so maybe i can rebuild it with a replacement actuator cup. Still on the hunt for a legitimate "service manual", but the build guide is quite helpful
  8. What fabrication have you done yourself in your truck? Some of you have awesome built interiors, how and where did you fasten foundation bits and what did it teach you? I'm starting with some Second Skin Damplifier then a layer of relectix insulation. I'd like to add two rows of E track (one high row to potentially become a high bed) and possibly close up the walls. I've never done fabrication to auto sheet metal, for instance, how would you fasten your track to the walls? Self tapping screws or drill a hole to add nuts/bolts to? I also plan on adding an additional 12v battery with an isolator and possibly a solar panel charging setup. The end result includes a Dometic slim air conditioner and bed-mounted winch for pulling up motorcycles and carts. The fabrication needs especially for the winch are pretty ambitious i'll admit. Im mocking a plywood box that will house the additional battery (AGM batt with a small vent) my 2000w cont. inverter, master breaker, and 12v breakout block to sit behind the driver seat. This is all a new undertaking for me, and in probably the most niche vehicle ive ever owned. Any pointers would be helpful.
  9. My first "oops" moment, i backed the driver side mirror into a tree branch, crushing the mirror actuator mount (ball cup) clips. I have the single stalk chrome mirror and cannot seem to find a used replacement. I have found the same mirror in black plastic and wonder, is the chrome bit interchangable? I suppose i only need the actuator and mount, the glass and housing are fine, i suppose i buy a replacement and rebuild the chrome one? It would be too easy if the chrome bit is a stick on piece attached to a normal plastic one. Proper part # ID'ing would do me wonders here. What is our best resource for identifying oem part numbers? I usually buy the "shop manual" for this sort of thing to ID parts and detail processes, what is our equivalent of the "Service Manual" for this truck? Thanks
  10. Thanks ASD! It's called a DIT (Digital Imaging Technician) cart, the monitors are broadcast screens used for on-set preview of images and color correction of camera footage.
  11. Hi new friends, I am a happy and proud owner of my 12' 2500 high roof. I have been in need of a large work/racetrack/camping vehicle and after lots of research and testing, i got the NV in V8 and as the kids used to say "its the shit" It came down to an older short WB sprinter, Transit, Ram Promaster, or the NV. My decision was made based on a multitude of points, but most importantly -Built on a modded Titan platform, it was the only "van" that felt and drove like a "truck" -Focused comforts for a tradesman / work truck -Better warranty and easier service / self maintainence I'm very interested in feedback from other new owners. Many of my colleagues own the Sprinter, Transit, and Promaster. I found the Promaster and Transit to be terrible! Driving was not as "fun" and they did not feel native to the road. The Promaster being the worst, i drove a brand new one that was already cracking paint on the sidewalls and had inconsistient fitment with AC vents and other small annoyances. The NV was the best buy and value for the money, and i think some of my sprinter friends are a little NVious of the far better engine power. Ok, that was awful. I have so many things i want to do with it i simply cannot decide. Glad i registered so i can get some inspiration. Here she is! bet you never seen one... NV2500 NV2500
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