I brought my 2017 NV 3500 SL to the dealer for this issue. They said Nissan does not yet have a solution for this issue but Nissan Engineering did acknowledge that the hesitation of shifting gears is the result of two computers talking to each other. I have not done my due diligence to see if the vehicle really does have two computers. I reported the hesitation to the dealer that I experienced was from 1,200 RPMs to 2,000 RPMs. They said it's the result of transitioning from one computer to another and both computers are unsure of how to handle the transition. I can't help but picture two baseball players trying to figure out who is gong to catch the pop fly and then finally one decides just before they collide.... I have the fan noise which I've posted about in another thread on this forum. I've not had a problem with the engine revving to 4,000 RPMs as someone else mentioned in this thread.