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Posts posted by JNV

  1. So, my wife was driving and she said braking started to work when the abs kicked on... Probably 2-3 seconds after pushing down on the brake pedal.


    It will certainly be expensive to fix, though I can do all the work. However, considering the cost of a rental, that adds up too. At least while I have the vehicle, I will know some sort of troubleshooting is going on vs just waiting to duplicate. Even if the incident is duplicated, without a cel/abs code, I don't get the feeling the dealership will do anything.


    I did finally get a response from Nissan on Twitter... They said go to another dealership. The next closest dealership that services the NV3500 is 1.5 hrs away.

  2. Hi All,

    I have recently experienced random brake failure on my '15 NV3500 w/ just less than 50Kmi.  This has happened twice in the last 2 months and, of course, the dealer cannot replicate.  The second time, we got the event on dashcam.


    Basically, brake pedal maintains normal pressure but the vehicle does not slow at all.  There is a vibration that occurs while the brakes aren't working that I suspect is related to ABS.  I would have expected a brake system to fail safe vs catastrophically, so this behavior is a little bizarre to me.


    I contacted Nissan Consumer Affairs and their position is that if the dealer cannot duplicate the problem, their process does not allow them to do anything else and that I should bring the van back to the dealer if this happens again :doh: .  This response seems like a fairly high risk and tone deaf position for Nissan take on a critical safety system especially in light of the recent issues with their Muranos.


    Van is still at the dealer for close to 2 weeks now (and no loaner!  :(  we've been ferrying 6 kids via multiple trips in a single car ).  The dealer did say someone else brought their NV3500 for the same issue and they said it was just a fluke -- it's starting to look a lot less like a fluke from my perspective.


    Mainly just wanted to get this out there in case anyone else was having this issue.  I took to Twitter to see if I could get someone at Nissan Corp to inject a little pragmatism into the bureaucracy and also filed an NHTSA complaint.


    I'm an electrical engineer and usually do all my maintenance/repairs, although I have never touched the van since it's still under warranty; I am half inclined to bring the van home and work on it myself.... 


    Anyone think of anything else I can do???





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