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About Goldenzrule

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  1. It has its fair share of rock chips on the hood, which is at least expected. This paint just peeled off like it was nothing on the side, in two spots, along the same "ledge". You can see the one I pictured above here, and there is a smaller one farther back. So that area is super thin/weak. I cannot even imagine the cost to do a PPF on an entire cargo van. To my point though, every Nissan I have had has had the biggest issue with paint chips, and now this issue with the pressure washer. Whats most puzzling is the amount of chips I get on the sides of all the Nissans I have had. No other car or truck has gotten any chips on the sides other than Nissans. Hoods and even roofs sometimes, sure, but never the sides unless its a Nissan. I have been using the pressure washer to wash cars for years with no issues, which includes, Audis, Porsche, Dodge, even a 50 year old MG. This is the first time anything like this has happened using it.
  2. No matter how I set it, it will still blow air when off. When I get some time, I'll have to remove the glovebox and take a look I guess. Thanks
  3. Has anyone changed their own blend door? I am wondering just how much work is it in an NV? Some vehicles you can get access from the sides (glove box removal in some cases). Other vehicles the entire dash has to come out. I searched but could not really find any info on a NV. Closest I found was a Titan. My air does not shut off fully when off, so I assume it is a blend door issue.
  4. Is it me, or does Nissan have the worst paint quality? My wife's Pathfinder (may it rest in piece, or pieces thanks to wife's driving) had multiple chips, not just the hood, but along the sides. My Frontier started to chip with very low mileage before I turned that lease in. My NV 2500HD has roughly 76,000 miles and has chips all around. Today though, was the killer. It has gone unwashed for some time thanks to schedule, kids, and it being a work van. Today, I hosed it down with the pressure washer, an electric 2000psi model with a green tip with the tip roughly 8 to 10 inches away from the surface, and this happened (in attached picture). Happened in two spots. I have never had any vehicle do this and usually have the tip much closer for stubborn spots. Just by looking at other chips on non Nissan vehicles I have had, this paint appears to be MUCH thinner. Overall I am happy with the van as its been mainly trouble free, but I am a bit anal about how my vehicles look (killed me it being as dirty as it was), and this really annoys me. On a related note, has anyone used any good touch up paint, either direct from dealer or elsewhere? Not sure if Dr Colorchip offers anything for a NV.
  5. I am changing the rotors and pads for the first time on my NV (or any vehicle for that matter). It doesn't appears as though you can simply slide the pads out. I took the caliper off since I had to anyway. Do you HAVE to take the caliper off to put the pads in? Anything I've seen has a door to open to slide the pads out and back in
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