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About lavacano

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  1. http://imgur.com/a/X0JvYNS Pictured is a hole for a gromet, the parts exist there is supposed to be 2 of them, they cost like 4$. I am lifting the airbox from the metal bracket to take the picture normally it rests plastic against the metal and RATTLES lol. The parts are made, dealer said they'd have to write it up on warranty to give me the 6 that are missing on my 3 vans for free. Why aren't they installed from factory is this a qc issue? How many of you fine folks are missing these rubber gromets?
  2. I also have 2 2020 nv2500 4l with less than 1k, if there is any interest I will see if I can reproduce on them.
  3. Glad I found this 2019 NV 3500 passenger van, problem started at 5k miles for me (started heavily using engine braking at that time to assist in brake wear hvy boi) I've found this happens most frequently when min/maxing compression vs braking and spamming down shift to engage lower gears as fast as possible. Obv not a wear issue here. There was an Armada post saying it may be battery voltage related. Bottom line is fw devs need to get good, how is this blaringly unsafe issue from 2012 still hitting 7 years later? You took away the mechanical gear tangs and replaced it with this, unacceptable. Nissan needs to take ownership of this issue before inevitable class action imho. Nissan git gud. Vin 5BZBF0AA2KN85578 DIAGNOSIS manual shift on/off button DISABLED with code thrown from poorly designed firmware. Sounds like we won't get a new firmware/fix without raising a stink, glad it's documented flawed on many vehicles. Could we clear the code while driving with a scanner? Doubtful. What happens when engine braking is needed and my 13 passenger van gets injured from this flaw? How feasible would it be to get low gear detents installed if Nissan wontfix the firmware?
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