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About ElecCont

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  1. So basically it worked out to be the right height for the shelf to fit right inside of the cubby holes and the bottom of the cubby holds the shelf up? Wow, so simple and what a great end result.
  2. Thanks, I'd really appreciate the pics. I think I am going to go with the NV instead of the Sprinter. This shelf will be my first project.
  3. Funny you mentioned that, I actually planned on drilling a hole thru the partition in order to slide a 6" piece of PVC thru it and under the driver's seat, in order to make a pipe holder. So with your shelf, it's only attached to the top of the partition? What is stopping the front of it from falling down onto your head?
  4. Why aren't there 2014 NV's out? This is very late... Second, does anyone know if the Adrian Steel shelving package is still available with the purchase of an NV and if so, when that program will end?
  5. Wow, yes, that is EXACTLY what I as talking about! So you have the normal Adrian Steel partition, but left out that plastic piece they put across the top? What did you attach the shelf to? Was there a lot of customizing? If you have any other pics of the shelf and how it's attached, I would really appreciate it.
  6. There is higher shelving for the high roof NV on Adrian Steel's website. Shelf: http://www.adriansteel.com/item/cargo-vans/nissan_nv/NV-HD-shelf/ Upfit package: http://www.adriansteel.com/img/products/5074NH.jpg
  7. That's the entire point that I am making. If you look at the Adrian Steel partition, it only goes up to the height of the low roof. Then there is a second piece that is inserted above it to block off the rest. If you leave that second piece out, it would give perfect access to the area above the driver's head. As I said, Ram did this with their ProMaster and it's an awesome idea. This could be done aftermarket with the NV if someone built a shelf. I heard that someone has built one, but I wasn't abel to find it so that's why I asked here. Here's a picture of the ProMaster. It cuts it off at the top but you can still see the point. The area above the driver's head is the same height in the high roof model and the low roof model. The difference is that in the high roof model the area above the driver's head is storage space available from the back. The partition for the ProMaster only goes up to the height of the cab ceiling, so you would use the same exact partition whether you have a high or low roof model, which is a great idea.
  8. I'm just worried because 3" isn't a lot. I am 6'2" and a large man. If your small wife couldn't be comfortable, adding 3" doesn't sound like it will allow me to be comfortable either. You know what I mean?
  9. That storage space is tiny and doesn't make use of the otherwise useless area above the driver's head. Here is an example of what could be done if that space was accessible from the cargo area like it is on the ProMaster. You can see how 10' length of pipe would fit inside (altho I would do other things with the space myself). You could keep the ceiling of the cab the same height as in the low roof model, and use that extra height above for rear storage, making a "mother's attic".
  10. I've noticed on the new Ram ProMaster they built a "mother's attic" type thing above the passenger's head on the higher roof model. Basically, the interior cab headliner is the same heigh for the low or high roof models, but in the high roof model there is a shelf that can be accessed from the cargo area of the van. This makes use of a great space. The high roof Nissan NV has that same space above the driver's head that is wasted. I was hoping some aftermarket company made some type of shelf that could be installed above the driver's head and accessed from the cargo area like this. Has anyone seen this?
  11. I thought that the seat would go all the way back with the divider in the normal position? I was under the impression that it just wouldn't tilt back as far? I wish I could see both side by side so I could decide before ordering the divider.
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