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Nv Envy

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About Nv Envy

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  1. The time has come to let go of our NV. Unfortunately both the wife and I are having just too much difficulty climbing in and out of it anymore so are looking to trade out for something a bit lower. I'll be posting more in the classified section. If anyone is in the market for an extremely clean well taken care of NV that's in very good condition feel free to contact me. Thanks!
  2. Dealer gave me one from another model a few years back that wasnt NV specific and it wouldn't work. Trying to find a deal on one as I'm now trading the vehicle.
  3. Does anyone have one they're not needing?
  4. Does anyone have one to work in a 2014 NV they don't need? Need one ASAP Thanks!
  5. BTW, this unit is capable of running 2 cameras. Which is what I did. Had one installed in the front grille all the way up at the top looking down so I could see where my front bumper was when pulling into parking spots. The unit allows you to switch back and forth between them.
  6. I had this unit installed in my NV. Was the heart of the system.
  7. Hi, Am about to sell my NV and removed all the custom stereo equipment. Up for sale is a pair of Tweeter Pods custom made to fit and look like they came from the factory. They utilize the factory clips and holes in the door so they op right in. These are set up to be driver oriented so that the driver has the sweet spot position.Meaning both face the driver position. If you are looking to install tweeters you will love these. Asking $100 for the pair. PM me if interested.
  8. Tweeters.........................both on axis to the drivers position of course B) B) B)
  9. So 4 weeks later the install is finally done. A few little tweaks need to be done to tune everything properly thru the digital processor,but otherwise I'm rock and rollin' Here's a pic of the Subwoofer installed
  10. Rick, Do what I did. Call CS,tell them you bought the van for commercial purposes and that the nav unit doesn't show commercial routes which you absolutley must have or you will be violating the traffic laws.It is a commercial vehicle and should have come equipped with commercial GPS. Most especially at the price you paid for the technology package. Nissan is WELL aware of the flaws in the nav units and authorization was given to them to reimburse customers $500 towards a new nav unit as well as re-imburse for upgrade cards in the name of good customer relations. You just have to get escalated to the next in chain above the initial CS rep and plead your case.Tell the rep your not satisfied with their answer and you want to speak to a supervisor. That's what they did for me.I used the money towards the top of the line Pioneer Nav/Blue tooth unit.
  11. Just like the insulation in your house,as you've already surmised,the foil should face in and form a sealing layer and let the foam form the insulating barrier between the out sheet metal and the inner foil.
  12. So the install started last week. I decided to give it over to a proffessional since I just don't have the time. So far the doors have a layer of Knu Concepts vibration dampener both on the inside of the outer door skin and on the inner metal panel and the two openings on the inner panel have custom made fiberglass filler panels screwed in to close them up. So basically the doors are now deadened speaker cabinets. No more tin can sounding doors on this van! HUGE difference when you close a door now.Nice and solid. Next will come a layer of sound absorbing heavy rubber laminated to closed cell foam draped over the inner door skin metal and a layer of 3m thinsulate sound absorbing foam on the plastic door panels. As it turns out, the flooring in the front area is pretty well sound deadened with the 1" felt that is under the carpet. Will post pics next week.
  13. Well, all my components are starting to come in so I'll be heading to the dealership and try to get a tech to show me how all the panels pop off since it looks like no one here seems to have a clue... Going to be quite a job and expense to deaden this behemoth, but should pay off considering it's getting $6-7k of audio equipment upgrade.. Handmade German tweeters, Swiss 6.5 Mid-Basses for the front doors and a custom subwoofer enclosure behind the rear fenderwell to hold the 12" carbon fiber subwoofer.A pair of Italian built 1300 watt amplifiers,a German digital sound processor. And a REAL Navigation Head unit to drive it all Using this stuff to add weight and eliminatee the tinniness of the doors http://www.knukonceptz.com/mobile-audio/sound-deadening/kno-knoise-kolossus-edition/sp/kno-knoise-kolossus-edition-car-kit-35sq-ft/
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