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Front Differential Ratio / Donor?

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I understand the front differential commonly used for the 4x4 conversions is an American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM) 9.25" differential. There are several possible sources... but I cannot seem to find any that have a 3.54 ratio like the NV V8 rear diff. 


Any suggestions where to source an AAM 9.25 front 3.54 ratio differential?

Edited by cray54

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I bet it if you called Advanced or Quigley they would tell you what the ratio is...  Advanced has been known to sell parts as well (like their front lift kits) so may even sell the diff.  

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It didn't feel quite right asking the conversion companies directly for such details (It felt a little like asking a restaurant for their recipes). 

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Quigley on their site lists the ratio as 3.54.  Asking the ratio is not the same as a secret sauce.  The actual company used or their part number may be asking but it doesnt hurt to ask.  I've actually gotten some secret recipes for favorite food dishes by asking!  Got a fantastic gluten free batter recipe by asking at one of Disney's restaurants.  Chef even came out with a hand written note with the recipe.  My wife cant eat wheat or dairy due to allergies so it was a nice gesture on their part.  

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Fair enough. I'll send Quigley an email asking the ratio. 


Do us all a favor and update this thread if they reply.  Too many come to ask questions and then vanish.  At least this will provide reference for future people who search.

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I got a response from Quigley. They said their front and rear ratios are matched (so the front is a 3.54 like the rear).

The problem remains, I haven't found any example of AAM making a set of 3.54 gears for their 9.25 front differential. 


Anyone with a 4x4 willing to check it out to confirm?

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I spoke with Quigley and other company out in Utah ( 4x4 Conversions??) and they mentioned that they have to replace the front / rear gears to match. I just cant remember what the new gear ratio was for this...


I am wanting to make mine 4x4, but the 10-12K plus the trip out to Utah or PA is slowing me down on doing this.

Quigley is backed up until April of 2019, and if you have >5,000 miles on the odometer when they take it in for a 14 day conversion, they will NOT provide you with a 100k mile warranty on the drive train.


Just something to take into consideration and think about! 

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