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What Lug Nuts For Aftermarket Aluminum Rims?

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I'm looking for some data points:

  • What lug nuts do you have on your aftermarket aluminum rims? 
  • What amount of thread engagement do you get with them (how many turns until tight)?


The reason I'm asking...


I checked the stock lug nuts, and the [small] conical seat almost fully engages with the steel wheels (which means it will not have enough purchase on aluminum wheels). Also, the stock lug nuts have about 9.5 threads of thread engagement (which is the expected amount, so they would not get enough with aluminum rims, and standard conical lugs would not get enough engagement without longer studs). 


So, it seems to me that when getting aluminum wheels, you need to either: 

  • Get longer wheel studs, and standard conical seat lug nuts


  • Get "ET" (Extended Thread) lug nuts


I can't seem to find ET lug nuts that are geared toward trucks (larger hex size, larger conical seat, larger diameter thread extension, etc.)... and I don't really want to replace my studs right now.


So, I look forward to reading what others have used successfully. 


Thank you, Chris

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