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Transmission Flush & Fill

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So I grew up in a family where the elder statesmen preached that one should *never* do a transmission fluid flush & fill unless the transmission had been swapped/replaced. From the research I have done it does appear that there are two camps on this topic....those who swear by doing it religiously and the other camp being those who preach to never do it.


What does the NV3500 community have to say on this issue? Is there anyone out there who changes their fluids per OEM maintenance recommendations with positive feedback? What about those who have had a negative experience with their transmission as a result of doing fluid changes? General thoughts or input welcome....


My 2016 is just passing 50k miles so I have begun to ponder if I should or shouldn't flush the transmission since I believe I am nearing the recommended mileage mark to do so.


Thanks in advance for the responses.


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I plan to sell it before the warranty expires, so I couldn't care less if "maintenance free" means "change it every x miles" in somebody's lexicon.  I do check the level though.  

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 Everything on NVs is overbuilt for the worst conditions. Decision can be based on use. In my case, I had it done at a dealership. Needless looking back. Later, our independent mechanic smiled (probably laughing inside) said it couldn’t hurt. 

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