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What did you buy for your NV?

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At Woods Lake campground near Telluride, CO, the van battery died. Able to jump start it using the house batteries and drive 10 miles down the mountain road and 30+ miles to Montrose to get a new battery. 


Although all Sportsmobiles have this start/jump feature, some on the SMB forum say the system is barely functional, if not damaging. Worked fine for us, twice. 


Decided to buy the GoalZero Venture Jump and Nomad 10 solar panel for emergency use. Need 6 hours full sun to charge via solar or 3 hours to charge via wall out let. Jump works with up to 6.0L engines. 


Added benefit is that Venture batteries can store power to charge  phones etc later in the day. 


Will this work? Mostly sunny today in AZ so at least I can see if the solar panel can charge my phone. 


Took an hour and 1/2 to go from 54% to 100%. Much faster than expected. Time enough to take a nap and claim I’m working. 



Edited by radin2son

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