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CD Player Kicks into Random mode, randomly

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I have a 2013 Nissan NV200 SV.   I bought it new, and it currently has 8,000 miles.  I have a small business and drive a lot, so I listen to recorded books and music.  My CD player will be fine, then one day, while listening to a book on the freeway for example, it will kick itself into Random mode.  the only solution is to stop the car (and turn it off), eject the CD, and start all over again.  The dealer threw it back in my lap saying they couldn't replicate the problem.  It's an issue for me because of how much I am in the car driving/listening....!  It's also overly sensitive to bumps...for example eaaaassssing over a speed bump at 2 mph will cause it to skip, but that at least, I understand.

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Maybe an inexpensive MP3 player instead of Cds. You can store more content on a mp3 than a cd. It might be easier in the long run than fighting with the dealer on this.

Edited by vanfan

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