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Entire Housing of Headlights Replacement Option(s)?

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Howdy all.  I want to improve my visibility.  I don't like that the same bulb is used for low and high beams.  When I throw my brights on, I want the low beams to work at the same time, not one or the other (for increased light).  Is that possible/legal?  I assume so... I assume other vehicles separate high and low beams.  But upon looking for aftermarket headlights, all I see is misleading links, ebay stuff (I'd avoid unless someone spoke up for a product there), and stuff that's like $2k.  


Has anyone unhappy merely choosing an H13 LED bulb been able to find a whole housing upgrade which accommodates separate high beams and low beams, or at least fits something more versatile than the H13 bulb in terms of quality LED options?  The ever-changing brands on Amazon make me very weary... looking for something reputable but beggars can't be choosers at this point.  



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34 minutes ago, radin2son said:

Scroll down on this thread and you may get some answers. 


Did you mean to include a link to a different thread?  You're the first person to reply so there's no scrolling to be had here.

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Go back to “Glass, headlights, fog lamps etc” and then scroll down if you haven’t already done so. 

Also check “Welcome Introduce Yourself.”  


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Dude if you're not going to say anything then just don't say anything.  Yes I looked before posting.  Most of the links don't work, and it's no surprise because it's been years.  God forbid someone write a new post in 2024 with a slight different angle.  Do people get snooty here when they get two black dogs under their digital name?

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