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What's up with your "camperized" NV? Reviews, summaries...

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After our 5,832 mile trip around the west, not including Wyoming, we averaged 15.4 mpg (16.6 mpg if the computer on 2012 models is to be believed) on Interstates, secondary roads, maintained gravel roads and barely maintained dirt/clay/sand roads. Lots of mountain ascents and descents, some requiring 1st and 2nd gear. Basically, this particular NV and drivers get this mpg. "Not bad for a house," as my wife puts it. 15+ mpg is what we have averaged on our trips over the past 3 years.

Our NV 2500 standard top weighs considerably more than the almost 6000 lb stock version. (Add 1000 lbs. for the conversion and 1000 lbs. for gear, water and occupants.) We feel we made the right choice to opt for the V8. The V6 would be fine on highways, but when you put it into manual mode, it is great having the power.

We haven't felt a need for 4x4, and unless you mount some serious tires, I think it is too heavy for off road adventures. Since we live in the sunbelt and mostly cruise on established roads, 4x4 would bring down mpg. (KMG did get decent mpg on his trip.)




Edited by radin2son

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