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About mahu

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  1. Been having trouble figuring out what is going on with my brakes. I have noticed a hissing/buzzing/whirring sound when pressing the brake pedal for a few weeks. It seems to be coming from somewhere behind the brake pad area, I can clearly hear it. The pedal also does not firm up when pressing it multiple times with the ignition off as I think it should. And it requires a lot of force to get any braking action to the point where my foot starts hurting after a dozen or so stop lights. I think it might be the brake booster/vacuum cylinder? Thanks for any input!
  2. Oh fantastic! That's quite the research. Thank you so much! So since mine is an SL it'll be chipped. So FB group NV owners must mostly have the Cargo SV and S models since 90% of them are insisting they can start theirs with a $5 replacement key with no chip. Now that I live in the van I want to put on in aa "hitch safe" so that I don't get locked out in case I lose the key during adventures in nature.
  3. Moved to Tahoe, got married, got divorced...in that order. Used the NV for quite a few road trips in the West for up to 3-4 weeks at a time. I'm doing full time van life now ini Tahoe post divorce! I see a few NVs around. If anyone is from the area or passing through shoot me a message. 2016 NV2500 with 50,000 miles and still going strong. No issues. Just did 2nd time brake fluid and 1st time transmission fluid. Other than that just oil changes. Everyone has their $120k Sprinters up her...nuts.
  4. I want to get another spare key, not the fob, just a key to open the van and start the engine. On the NV2500 Facebook group everyone insists that NV keys are not chipped...which i find hard to believe. Everyone says they just got their keys cut at Home Depot for $10 and that those open and start the van. I thought keys had to be programmed and when I went to ACE hardware they lady at the counter put the key into a reader and said she could order it for $99. So who is right here? Are the nv keys chipped or not? i got a 2016 NV2500 SL. Thanks!!
  5. very interesting discussion and I enjoy spreadsheets like these! i think you have a good point and before spending $10k I'd also want to know if weight limits would easily be exceeded or not, independent of the fact that there are already 4x4 conversions on the road without apparently experiencing problems, because that's not the point...just because it works out for others doesn't mean it isn't a worthwhile inquiry! i d be very interested to hear what quigley has to say about it. is there any way that their conversion adds structural upgrades that increases the front gawr? if not and your calculations are correct (which they appear to be) this would indeed be quite negligent on the part of quigleys and nissan to offer that conversion under warranty if limits are that easily exceeded!
  6. You could also do a factory order! That’s what we ended up doing. Go to various dealerships last 1-2 days of the month when you have most leverage and negotiation power. Listening to this podcast helped us immensely in improving our car buying game: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/513/129-carsWe were able to place factory order to exact color and specs we wanted for around $3500 under MSRP. Good luck!! No specific differences between 17 and 18. The later model year will give you better galue retention if eg you were planning on selling it 4-5 years from now. We got a 2016 model at the end of oct 2015.
  7. Thank you everyone for weighing in and the feedback! We had a bunch more steep grades in UT and NV on the way home but the issue did not reappear. I also thought maybe ABS but there was none of the usual shuddering or vibration in the brake, it was solely steering wheel vibration and violent left to right motion of the wheel. Quite strange, must have been a combination of 98 degree heat and steep grades. Tried to replicate it throughout the trip on equally steep downhills until my wife told me she was getting whiplash...
  8. Just doing a CA, NV, UT trip. On the drive through death valley on some steep downhill grades we experienced shaking of the steering wheel when applying 70-75% brake force breaking from 50mph. The shaking got worse the more brake power was applied. I was using lower gears and using pulsed breaking to not overheat the brakes so I don’t think they overheated. Tried to replicate it on flats and grades we passed later in the day braking very hard but could not get any shaking. Any idea what was going on? I don’t think it’s warped front rotors. Online fora suggest it could be temporary adhesion of hot brake pad material to the rotors, which is then abraded on subsequent braking actions restoring smooth braking.
  9. Just called 2 days before for a regular oil change and made an appointment (lots of times available).
  10. Did oil change at Future Nissan in roseville, ca as per usual. $19.99 oil change, 45min in and out, everyone petted our puppy, great coffee and hot chocolate while we waited, everyone wanted to check out the van. And we got to check out the new Nissan Kicks! If you are ever in Norcal go to Future Nissan! They rock!
  11. And here is Charley! And for once thr photos are not upside down...
  12. I am always amazed at the range of mpg folks are reporting here. We are luckily in the middle range with 14 mpg city and 16-18 highway with the V6 high roof. 10mpg is not acceptable for sure. Do u have a V8?
  13. I think that’s what will happen with the next generation. The new Titan hood is about 10 shorter than the NV2500 hood. And they will hopefully offer a stretch with another 15-20 inches or so in the back. Those changes would literally be the only reason we d ever sell our NV. An extra 20 inches in the back would open a whole new world of possibilties, eg wet cell. Anyone want to guess when the NV will be up for a redesign? 2020 model year? 2021 model year?
  14. Thank you for the info!! Appreciate it!
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