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  1. Cray54, Yes on part list. No instructions or "Manual" They do have a help line for mechanics to call. All parts come from Quigley. So sorry for delay in answering....
  2. All that weight is on the tires. The tires will take it. How much of the weight is NOT on the suspension?
  3. Radio was replaced under warranty. They didn't know why it stopped working.
  4. AM did work when new. Don't use AM very much. Will let you know what happens. THANK YOU..
  5. 2016 With NAV. FM works XM works Before I drop off at dealer, anyone else have his problem? Maxine was in for an oil change, I asked the dealer to check out the radio. They are puzzeled as to why the AM radio does not work. Dropping off Maxine next week.
  6. 1) I did get it off. Didn't understand how it was on until I saw the new one. VERY HARD to get off. You have to pull on it like you don't care if it brakes! Mine didn't brake. 2) Ordered through Nissan. $500ish.
  7. Thinking about replacing glass on sliding door. https://www.dkhardware.com/2011-nissan-nv-all-glass-look-t-vent-passengers-side-sliding-door-fw805r-product-47850.html#description Anyone know anything about these windows? Thank you, Skrugs
  8. My "shop" is 1000 sq. ft. In floor heat. Door is 10'Hx18'W
  9. ALL DONE!!!! :) Stock bumper 46lbs. New bumper 156lbs. With added weight of 110lbs. Measured above the front wheel. Dropped 1/8" Lights. 2 on bottom, Hella 500 fog lights. Center top row, Hella 1000 pencil beam. 2 left and 2 right, Hella 500 Black magic driving beam. 2 outside amber lights are turn signals.
  10. $857 of Line X.. Ready to be installed.
  11. Had it sandblasted. Waiting for tax return, then Line X put on. It weights in at 130lbs.
  12. I have the SV. No front sensors. Once the Line X is on, no more welding. Those holes are for "Future" stuff. I can bolt on brackets or lights.
  13. Added some more steal. I "Should" be done welding now. ;) Going to drive around with it on for a few weeks. See if I want to change anything. Then sand blast and bed liner coating. Measured before and after install. Dropped the front wheel well 1/8".
  14. I don't like chrome. Testing Plasti Dip spray on one side. See how it holds up. Just cleaned the chrome real good, then sprayed it. The last pic is for St. Patty day fun. :)
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