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Everything posted by isolmes

  1. I have heard that about the Highway noise is less and the Duratrac have a thinner sidewall. I think they look better from pictures than the KO2's, but it is hard to tell. I have also heard issues with Goodyear rubber cracking. I think I am sold on the KO2's, but still have to decide. I appreciate the info and will keep looking until I need to make the switch. Hopefully not for another month or two.
  2. Thx for the information and the picture. I really do think the van looks so much better with the aggressive tires vs delivery van tires.
  3. Looking to get new tires for 2013 NVP3500 SL. I like a heavier looking tire but mainly want something that does great on grass, dirt, snow, and pavement. I am not offroading but with the stock firestones just being on wet grass is too much. Does anyone have any experience with either of these 2 tires on an NV? I hear the KO2's are quieter but the Duratracs are better in the snow. Does anyone have any experience with these tires on this van?
  4. No. As a utility van mostly, that has been converted to a family vehicle, they won't update the body. It is a great van. My family loves ours. I don't see enough demand to warrant a change. Don't really think it is all that needed either. I would make the front a bit tougher looking if I had my choice, but my money is on no changes.
  5. I had this issue too and follow the instructions I found online. Might even have been this forum. The guide cones on the inside of the slider just need to be adjusted. I loosened the screws and moved them all the way out as far as they would go. I then tightened the screws back down. Easy as that. I haven't has a single squeak since.
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