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About thezenvan

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  1. I don't know the history, I got it at 60,000 miles. I'll go ahead and change it
  2. I have a 2013 Nissan NV2500 V8 with 100K miles on it. I looked at the maintenance schedule for the van and I couldn't figure out if I should replace the transmission fluid at some point, from my understanding it's a sealed/maintenance-free transmission and doesn't require any fluid changing but I wanted to verify. Thanks.
  3. He said it was likely running too long without an oil change
  4. The mechanic I took it to said the same thing. He said it is most likely because of worn out rings caused by improper maintenance of the vehicle.
  5. I ended up removing a rubber grommet under the passenger side carpet and running a 4AWG wire through there, thanks
  6. I'm looking to install a VSR (Voltage Sensitive Relay) to charge my house battery off the alternator while driving. I'm looking to run a 4AWG wire from the VSR to the house battery which will be in the cargo area, does anyone know of a good spot to run wire through the firewall in a 2013 Nissan NV2500?
  7. Thanks for responding, I did end up replacing plugs 1 and 3 after the compression test because they had ash deposits while the other plugs were clean. The white smoke certainly is more indicative of oil burn than water and it is a large white cloud and periodically happens about a minute or two after the initial startup as well but then stops when the engine warms up. I've also had a small cloud happen after pressing on the gas after idleing at a traffic light. The leakdown test was the next thing on my list I was just looking to see if there was something else I might've missed that would help me avoid taking apart the engine.
  8. I bought a 2013 Nissan NV2500 V8 with 60,000 miles on it several months ago and after a few weeks I went to check the codes and got a P0303 which indicated a misfire on cylinder 3. I was advised to use seafoam in the gas tank to try and resolve the issue and I did that but I also decided to change the spark plugs to see if that would fix the issue, I changed them all and a few of them had ash deposits (http://thezenvan.com/images/IMG_0061.jpg). A little while after doing that I started to get white smoke on startup, at first I thought it was just a side effect of the seafoam but it kept doing so for a few weeks so I decided to do a block test to make sure the head gasket wasn't the cause and the test showed it wasn't. I also changed the PCV valves to make sure they aren't the cause. I also did a wet/dry compression test which came out fine (https://i.imgur.com/OhZ4RXc.jpg), there were differences between the wet and dry results but they seemed to above minimum. There is oil being burnt because and I periodically need to add some. At this point I have no idea what's causing the issue, the warranty expired on it so I want to see if I can fix it myself. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks
  9. I'm looking to attach a few panels to the walls and crossbeams on my 2013 Nissan NV2500 High Roof using Rivnuts and Plusnuts (Cross Nuts) but I can't seem to find the wall thickness information. I have the service manual and the bodybuilder's guide but I can't seem to find the information in there and I need it in order to get the right grip range (thickness) for the nuts. Thanks
  10. Another update: I ended up replacing the spark plug on cylinder #3, it looked pretty nasty but the misfire hasn't shown up again yet. I got a comment that the color on the head of the plug might be because of an oil leak in the oil valve stem or head gasket so I'll have to look into that
  11. I just bought a 2013 Nissan NV2500 High Roof and I'm having a couple of issues with it, some are solved but one that it isn't is the passenger side mirror shaking while idling or driving. The part that is actually shaking is the mirror housing (the part circled in the attachment), not the part that connects directly to the door (door mirror finisher?). It seems that the connection between the finisher and the housing is loose (I checked and that part is tight on the driver side and the mirror doesn't shake). I have the service manual and I was looking through the mirror section and I can't figure out if I'm supposed to remove the entire passenger side door panel to access the mirror housing. Does anyone have any experience with fixing this? It doesn't seem like something that would require a new mirror. Thanks
  12. Update: I guess I spoke too soon and the STP didn't work as well as I thought. The code came up again and as well as the warning light. I'll go try some of the BG44K and if that doesn't work I'll probably order a replacement spark plug to see if that fixes the issue
  13. So far the issue hasn't come back but I'll look into the BG44K if it does, thanks
  14. I bought a 2013 Nissan NV2500 V8 with about 60,000 miles on it last week from a car dealership. When I bought the vehicle I used a OBDII reader to check the codes on it and it came out clear. After I test drove I checked the codes again just to make sure nothing popped up and it was still clear. Everything overall looked fine so I bought the vehicle and drove it home (about 160 miles away). I'm going to use the van to do a conversion so for the most part it's been either sitting in my driveway or I drive it about 5 miles back and forth to work on it so besides the initial long haul it hasn't been used that much so far. Yesterday just for the hell of it I decided to test it again with the OBDII reader (something I probably should've done right after completing the drive back from the dealership) and it popped this pending fault: P0303 - Powertrain Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected And shortly after the malfunction warning light came on. After googling around I saw a couple of possible solutions but they range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand and I rather not spend that. The vehicle is out of warranty and was sold AS-IS. After talking to someone knowledgable he suggested that the fuel that was previously in the van while it was sitting at the dealership might have a bunch of gunk in it and I should try using STP to clean it out and see if that helps so I got some STP and filled it up. So far it hasn't worked since the light came on again, I cleared the code again and I'll see if it comes back but I wanted to know if there are any other ideas that don't involve spending a lot of money on it. Thanks
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