Thank you so much for your help! I saw the pics of your roof rack, looks very nice. I think my wife wants the lower profile Aluminess rack, but I'm a little concerned with wind noise. The Aluminess rep I spoke with said that wind noise is decreased significantly if you get a rack with a floor. Would you agree with that, or would you suggest any of the other noise-reducing "fixes"?
I've seen some pics online of various roof rack options, and my wife would really like a certain look (see below). We just purchased a new NV (3500, black, loaded) and she wants to spruce it up a bit. user The above is NOT mine, but we like the look of it. Do you guys ave any suggestions on the roof rack pictured? We like the one above but would like to find one that is lower profile if possible, not quite as tall. Also, for any of you that have this type of set up, is wind noise a huge deal? I've heard that it can be very loud. Any other suggestions would be great!