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Splash Carpentry

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About Splash Carpentry

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  1. We made it on kickstarter! Our Artek Leo laser scanner is coming! There is still time to pledge and take advantage of our offers. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1855385287/van-protection-kit
  2. That is exactly the type of customers we are looking for.
  3. We just launched a very ambitious campaign on Kickstarter hoping that in a few years we will be able to have a van protection kit for every model sold in the United States. Please let us know what you think. Your opinion is very important to us. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1855385287/van-protection-kit
  4. We are planning to use a very sophisticated laser scanning system and create a 3D model for every type of van that is sold on the U.S. market. If we succeed, we will have a database with over a hundred models and we will be able to create everything from shelving to cabinets and even bed frames that would fit perfectly. Please let us know what your thoughts are, your feedback is very important to us. Thank you in advance, the Splash Carpentry team. Video spot: http://bit.ly/2yzGIeP Website: http://bit.ly/WebsiteSplash
  5. Hello! I just wanted to let you guys know, that the kickstarter promo is here, and I would like to share it with you. Thanks for the support ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJDO47nXeVs&t=1s
  6. Thank you! Yes, that was the idea: I am planning to launch this product on kickstarter and offer 50% discount for every single model, for the first pledge only.
  7. Hello, My name is Adrian, I am with Splash Carpentry and I have created the van protection in the video for one of our vans. I am planning to create a prototype for every type of van sold in the U.S. . It takes a huge amount of time to measure everything. In order to save this time, I will use a very sofisticated laser system to scan the interiors of the vans. Instead of spending a week for a van, it will be 20 minutes. If there is anybody in Chicagoland area ( I am located in Linconwood) interested to let me scan their van for this purpose, I would really appreciate it. I will try the dealers too but it's hard to convince a Nissan dealer to help you when you park a Sprinter in front of his office. https://youtu.be/A2Vbv1w6b90
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