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  1. Smart. I did the same when I built my conversion, 1/2 polyiso and 1/2 plywood. I did not like the look of the factory under layer … thought it would retain moisture.
  2. Here is the only pic I have available right now ... shows the ARB fridge in the place of the stock console. It is on a slide, so I can temporarily slide it back into the cargo area when I stop to camp, spin the passenger seat, and then slide the fridge back in place. Used the dpgoffroad slide. Here are more pictures at this link: https://imgur.com/gallery/OwtZyNz Hope this helps. Dave
  3. So, I converted this cargo version into a camper van a couple of years ago. Latest upgrade is an ARB awning and deluxe awning room with light kit. I did not want to drill into my roof to mount this thing, my sliding door track is in the way. I called CCV 18 months ago to see if they could sell me some brackets ... they told me their brackets were custom made each time a customer wanted some, and they had no NV vans in the shop, but they would call me when they did. I never got a call, and sometimes it is best just to do it yourself. Stuff you need, and plenty of pictures and parts numbers are in the IMGUR album posted. 3 ARB brackets 3 T-brackets (Superstrut), got mine at Home Depot 6 Spring nuts 3/8”, Home Depot. Come in bags of five 6 square brackets (Superstrut), Home Depot. Drill out to 3/8” 6 3/8” x 1 1/4 stainless bolts and washers 3 carriage bolts 1/4” (and nuts). Grind down two flats on either side of the carriage bolt head so it will slide into the ARB awning. ARB supplies 6 square head bolts and you need nine. Blue loctitie Neoprene foam and helicopter tape to protect your roof. I welded three brackets together using my Hobart 140 with gas-less flux cored wire. I am not proud of my welding, it is ... functional. No snarky comments, please. 53mm overlap. Pictures in link. Weld, grind, weld, grind, weld, paint, bolt everything together with blue loctite, take pictures and post on the Internet so others can do it, too. https://imgur.com/gallery/FwUsPL2 Best, Dave
  4. I installed a swivelsrus swivel on passenger seat of my diy conversion. I replaced the console with an ARB 50L fridge and one of the first things we do when we stop is slide the fridge back, rotate the seat, and then slide the fridge back into place. Well worth it, in my opinion.
  5. I installed a Pioneer W6400NEX head unit with WIRELESS or wired CarPlay and it is awesome. I can run the GPS system that comes with the receiver, as well as either Apple Maps, Google Maps, or Waze. I really like Waze with its user entered road hazard data. This headunit allows you to display CarPlay without physically plugging anything in. It also allows two video feeds ... I use the non-stock rear camera as well as a newly installed front minibullet camera to help me park this huge vehicle. I’m still working on an AC solution for the back ... but I have a cargo model I’ve converted to a camper van. I’m fine up front, but it gets toasty in the back once stopped. Dave
  6. The seat will not swivel with a center console in place. Even with it gone you have to open the door 6 inches or so to swivel.
  7. I just replaced my stock Nav 4-speaker system with a Pioneer W6400NEX. Great head unit, wireless Apple CarPlay, great Nav, input for both front and rear cameras that helps a lot while parking .... all the bells and whistles. I’m not a car audio guy, but I really appreciate a great sounding system, I will install a powered subwoofer under the drivers seat ... don’t know what brand. What are your recommendations for door, dash, and subwoofer speakers? Thanks in advance. Dave
  8. I installed a swivelsrus swivel on my passenger seat this week too. Easy install, but I found that the seat adjuster that slides the seat fore and aft would not worked with the swivel attached, unless I modified it. Basically, I cut two vertical slots in the front face of the bracket, allowing the bar that you lift up to fully engage the seat adjuster mechanism. Works great now. Solid mount, I had to unclimbed an airbag connector and another connector... and then unclip where those two leads were attached to the seat frame in order to get enough slack to use the swivel. Sticker on the swivel read “Chassis Transportation Accessories, precision European craftsmanship distributed by swivelsrus.”
  9. The CCV penthouse also uses round tubing, but I understand the lifting geometry is different. Not sure if that makes it stronger and weaker, but I know I can grab the penthouse tubing and shake hard ... then penthouse is solid and the entire vehicle moves. I’m located an hour south of Sportsmobile Austin and it would have been awesome to get my van converted there ... but other than the small run of Nissan NVs they did several years ago, they don’t convert Nissans. I wanted the Nissan because of its tow capabilities. Yes, it is set up to sleep two upstairs, in addition to two downstairs. The penthouse bunk is in 2 foot sections, and can be stacked to the front or rear when it is up to give you more head room. ———— Installed a dfgoffroad,com fridge slide this weekend, so that I can slide my fridge back into the kitchen area if I need to get into the back without going outside ... and it will allow me to install a seat swivel on passenger seat.
  10. Howdy from San Antonio. I am nearing completion on my 2017 standard roof NV3500 conversion. I bought the van brand new in mid April, and dropped off at Colorado Camper Van end of May for a penthouse, windows, and electrics install. When I got it back, I finished the interior. Here is an album of the finished product. Please ask questions! https://imgur.com/gallery/7J5fLjg
  11. I purchased (Amazon) and installed an Autovox X1 dash cam system. This works awesome on my 3500 cargo. I’m converting it to a camper, and the sofa bed blocks a clear view out the back windows. You can set up the monitor (replaces your rear view mirror) such that it constantly streams the view from your rear camera. Downside for you is that the camera is approx 130 degrees (and uses a proprietary connector) .... but that wider view virtually eliminates my blind spots. As soon as a vehicle disappears from the mirror/screen, it is in my peripheral vision. The screen is the entire mirror, not a “window” within the mirror, and the resolution is crystal clear, unlike the stock rear view camera. There are a number of useful videos on YouTube... they do not overstate the quality of image. If you hard wire to a constant 12v source, the camera will respond to g forces when parked and record accidents or break ins even if the system is not visibly “on”. I’m a fan.
  12. I replaced my center console with an ARB 50 liter model. Fits snug, and sips electricity.
  13. Hello, I’m Dave, and the new owner of a 2017 NV3500. Plan is to convert to a camper van, and use it to trailer tow my Jeep to events. Best, Dave
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