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About EnigmaMan

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  1. I spoke with Quigley and other company out in Utah ( 4x4 Conversions??) and they mentioned that they have to replace the front / rear gears to match. I just cant remember what the new gear ratio was for this... I am wanting to make mine 4x4, but the 10-12K plus the trip out to Utah or PA is slowing me down on doing this. Quigley is backed up until April of 2019, and if you have >5,000 miles on the odometer when they take it in for a 14 day conversion, they will NOT provide you with a 100k mile warranty on the drive train. Just something to take into consideration and think about!
  2. For the 2018 NV Passenger - By far these were the easiest to change and took 5 mins at most. Unlike GM / Ram where you have to disassemble the front end, pull the grill off and disconnect stuff in the wheel wells! - Healight H13 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077T1MWV8 - Fog lights H11 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LCE19OI I have had many different types of LED lights that I have bought for about 8 different vehicles. Hands down these are the best LED Lights for the money!
  3. You should apply it directly to the metal. Usually the stuff has a self adhesive on the back with a roller and you roll the stuff on. It's a little time consuming but worth it in the end of the think. When I pull off the door panels I'll be sure to take photos of this process!
  4. Honestly, do you intend to put the stock speakers back in your ride? Why waste the money on multiple factory speaker connectors? I replaced all of my speakers inside with Rockford Fosgate speakers all the way around and you would not believe the sound difference even with the stock headunit! Also since the panels on the back are wide open with tons of holes, make sure you pick up some sound deadening material to put behind the plastic panels! It makes a huge difference in rattles/ road noise and the slamming of bass :-D https://www.amazon.com/Noico-deadening-Automotive-Insulation-dampening/dp/B00URUIKAK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1537887334&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=Noico+80+mil&psc=1 I'll ditch the factory Nav head unit with an aftermarket one in a few months to handle a DVD player and setup the visual piece of it!
  5. Yes, this is with a 2018 V8 SL version of the NV Passenger. I have dual AC zone control (and if one is set to 60 and the other is set to 90, it just blows cold air on both, unless both are set to 90* its a bit odd. As far as the A/C blowing cold then luke warm, it does this at 40mph constant speed or 70+ constant speed with cruise control on. I understand that under WOT it will turn off AC to add extra power, but this is not the case.
  6. I have the same problem on my 2018 and I have just over 500 miles on it... It seems to fluctuate from cold to warm then back to cold again, but in the FL heat you can really feel it.
  7. I have the same issue with my 2018, The thing is barely blowing any air! - I have only 400 miles on my ride so I seriously doubt its clogged up! Where is the air intake? On the floor or near the vent? Once I trace out where the intake is I can make a determination as to where the problem might be.
  8. Due to this things size, I would highly suggest going for 26's at least!!
  9. I am down here near West Palm Beach, FL but do take road trips from time to time and with hurricanes etc, you never know when you are going to hop a curb / object and need 4wd! My only options are PA or UT to do this conversion which is not really right around the corner :-D
  10. Good to know. I am hoping there is some options to do them closer to the southeast and not have to drive to Utah or California to do this conversion!! great information though!
  11. I just signed up for this forum hopefully looking some some advice on converting my 2017 Nissan NV 3500HD to a 4x4 system. I wanted to put together a current price sheet and capabilities and details for others to reference as to who is available to do this work as well as prices to save them time and $$ when looking for information! But be sure to do your research and call each company for an updated price sheet etc Quigley -Location : Pennsylvania - Price ~$12,500 for a conversion Includes High/ Low gears - Currently will start taking orders in October 2018 and won't start actual production until April of 2019! - Quigley will allow you to drop ship your vehicle directly from nissan and during the 15 day upgrade process you dont pay anything until you take possession for it. - Warranty - If you have <5,000 miles on your rig, you get the 5 year 100k quigley warranty. However if you have +5,001 miles, you still pay the same price and only receive a 3 year 36k warranty for the quigley components but still the 5 year 100k warranty from Nissan. Advanced 4x4 Vans - Location: Utah http://advanced4x4vans.com/4x4-van/nissan-4x4-van-conversion/ - Price ~$11,500 Includes High / Low gears - Offers a 2 year / 24k warranty - Takes 10-15 days to convert and they are already doing conversions on the 2017 and 2018. Both places require you to get the vehicle to their respective shop in Pennsylvania or Utah wait 10-15 days then you can ship or drive it back. Are there additional shops around the country that perform this upgrade?
  12. Just spoke with Quigley today on the 2017 conversions. They hope to have everything done by November of this year and then they will begin taking orders. However they will not do actual production until April of 2019!!!! Also, You loose the 5 year / 100k mile warranty with quigley if your vehicle has over 5,000 miles on it. Otherwise the $12,500 price tag only gets you a 2 year 24k mile warranty. I am looking at buying a 2017 here in the near future and looking to get it converted to 4x4 with a 2" lift kit so I can install 33" tires!
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