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Everything posted by KrAx78

  1. Here is the photo showing my functional partition door. This is my added cargo light. There is my mainline drain snake machine attached to my modified winch to help load and unload the heavy beast. a closer look at my winch assembly, bracket mounts, and reinforcement. And the convenient winch controls doorside
  2. photo shop chop edits and/or sketch drawings art if you got anything share and show your vision ideas concept or just for fun. whatevers see mines in my sig just dropped on some infiniti fx 18's with lopro tires, privacy tint, and concept work logos.
  3. i use my truck for my 24/7 plumbing job. so far i've added two(2) more interior lights one in center of cargo roof aim down, and another at the very top on the seperator cage aimed to rear, made with its own on/door/off switch from the front cabin and i made my center cargo/cabin cage door able to open. I also rigged up a winch with reinforcement onto the inner roof corner behind driver seat area facing the slide door with the controls at the slide door right on the seperator cage this is for the BiG heavy mainline snake machine. I get lots of night calls so the first night i realized the cargo needed more lights and definitely a longer timer. I also added a three accessory cigarette lighter or charger port with usb adapt into the center console by the rear sonar swith in the empty spots on passenger side. works great as it charges the phone plus my chargers for my batt operated tools on the go. I'll try to get snap shots of each and see if can post em later. also was curious of what others may have done to make things better for their trade work.
  4. Howz it? I from Hawaii and just got the new 2013 Nissan NV1500 S Cargo. use it for plumbing work.
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