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Ryan Stotts

NV Member
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Everything posted by Ryan Stotts

  1. Got it today from Fedex. Ordered it from that Real Truck site. What the inside looked like before: Box is 6' tall and about 1' square and feels empty: Inside the box: Out of the box: Length up front. I might at some point attempt to try and tuck it under the front floor mat.
  2. Appears to be a Yaw Rate Sensor https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS668US669&hl=en-US&ei=DKAPWOC1GMbjmAGFxYrIAg&q=denso+174500&oq=denso+174500&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..35i39k1l2.5112.5842.0.6503.
  3. I have no options in this panel: Close up of the connector: This one is above that but under the radio: Interesting black box at the front of the transmission tunnel: Daylight up through where a dash speaker would go:
  4. I'd like to get the two stock lights so it all looks factory.
  5. I wouldn't cut any wires. Just bundle them up like me the factory does:
  6. If I order 2 lights; do I need to also order the mounting brackets and screws separately?
  7. Just like with the tow hooks; parts are kinda expensive all things considered.
  8. $85 a piece there. I've seen them for $70 each. I wanted what they cost the dealer? $40 each?
  9. If one were to use them; any concern about frame damage? Anyone seen them listed somewhere for a great price? I wouldn't mind bolting them on. Front doesn't seem quite complete with them missing.
  10. Anyone seen this piece for sale anywhere? Is it that useful?
  11. Took a while but I finally got it. Door sticker says it was made in August. I had a good buying experience with the dealer.
  12. They should. Back when the NV was released; it was the first of the new style van's. People are used to and still accustomed to what the Ford and GM van's looked like for over 30 years. Now that the ProMaster and Transit are out; I'm sure people are warming up to the NV. I admit; it took me a long time. Had I known early on it was based on the Titan; hence the truck front end; it would have made more sense. Nissan should promote that it is indeed based off the Titan as a selling point. They should also go back and pull up all the old magazine print ads from the 1970's for the Blazer and Bronco. Those were highly desireable vehicles. That's how I see the NV as because of the truck front end/
  13. Reply from Nissan: Thank you for contacting Nissan and for your interest in our commercial vans. We understand you are interested in the release date of our commercial vans. At this time, we do not have any information available regarding the expected release of the 2017 NV Cargo or Passenger Vans. My guess is they are waiting to see how well the new Titan does sales wise; then make a move on the NV. Keep it the same or update it?
  14. Good prices indeed on that site. Thanks for the info.
  15. Does anyone have either one or has seen both? The carpet one is cheaper but I'm wondering about dealing with sand and grass from loading and unloading items. Tred: http://r.ebay.com/iczX1n Rug: http://r.ebay.com/4IFTbK http://www.bedrug.com/products/cargo-van-mats.html
  16. I'm sure the dealers know when they are arriving?
  17. Ever seen a brand new one go for less then $24k? I need one that is white and no windows. OKC area.
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