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About hawk259

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  1. Are you 100% sure it is the door? We have a squeak as well and for the longest time we all thought it was the sliding door, but it wasn't. Turns out it is one/both of the smaller second/third row seats. When one of the bigger kids sits in them, no squeak. Spray them with some silicone spray and the squeak is going for a while, but will return and needs more spray. Brian
  2. Took it into the dealer and they said they did a flush, fill and bleed of the rear heater system. Said if it happens again, they would repeat and the third time they would replace the heater core. It is warmer, but not as warm as it was before, time will tell. Brian
  3. With all the recent post about MPG and 2017 stuff, I decided to post something I have been wondering for a while. What if you replaced the 3.54:1 V8 rear end gears with the 3.36:1 V6 rear end gears? I am sure the 3.54 gears are better for towing, but if you never/rarely tow would the V6 gears get you better MPG? My thinking is that the 3.36 would allow the V8 to run at a lower RPM on the freeway (less than 2.5k at 70mph), so it would get better MPG. No idea how much it would hurt acceleration, both standing still or rolling. Granted, I have no idea how to do this with out voiding the 5y/100k warranty. Thoughts? Brian
  4. Over the weekend the rear heater stopped working, just blows cold air. Was out of town and called the local Nissan dealer and said it sounded like a water control value, but they couldn't fix it Saturday as they didn't have any open appointments. Called and setup an appointment for today at my local dealer to have it looked at today (taking it in shortly). Anybody else have issues? Brian
  5. Over the weekend the rear heater stopped working, just blows cold air. Was out of town and called the local Nissan dealer and said it sounded like a water control value, but they couldn't fix it Saturday as they didn't have any open appointments. Called and setup an appointment for today at my local dealer to have it looked at today (taking it in shortly). Anybody else have issues? Brian
  6. Do you miss not having the review mirror? While I can't see out the back of the van, I still use it to see the kids in the back (between head rests).
  7. I have a set of them I have never installed. There should be a alcohol pad to clean the paint and two sided tape on the deflectors to stick to the paint on the doors above the window opening. The 4 small plastic brackets hook in the window channel between the metal and weather stripping and the pins attach the bracket to the deflectors. I haven't installed mine as I hate the idea of sticking anything to the paint. My colorado has type that insert in the window channel in the door between the metal and weather stripping. I wish the NVP has that type instead of stick on the paint version.
  8. hawk259

    Billet Grille

    Picture! :) That is what we call ours as well.
  9. I have thought about doing that as well. Where did you get it? Was it made for the NV or just cut to fit type piece?
  10. Please do, as I have been looking at the Airaid and Banks intakes. I am leaning towards the Airaid, but worried about the extra modifications needed for either system due to the larger engine bay.
  11. Hello, We purchased a new arctic blue 2015 NVP SL back in February, aka: The Beast. I had been looking at Ford and Chevy passenger vans for a while, but the wife didn't like them. One day she comes home and says I saw a passenger van that I like and it kinda looks like a oversized cube. Started looking for a used one and there was nothing close for sale, then a local dealer listed a used 2012 arctic blue NVP SL with 20k miles on their web site with a "call for price" listing. They also had a 2012 NVP S listed as well, so we stop by to talk to them and the SL was purchased at auction out of NY, would be in about a week and they planned on listing it for $33,999. We test drove a java 2015 NVP SL while were there and told them we wanted the 2012 and call us when it came in. While waiting for the 2012 to come in another dealer closer to us had a arctic blue 2015 NVP SL on the lot, so we decided to see if they would be willing to deal at all as the dealer up north wouldn't budge off MSRP. This one came with splash guards, carpeted front floor mats and technology package for a total of MSRP of $41,035. Dealer marked it down to $38,969. Talked them down another $2,500 off for a total of $36,469 plus tax and fees. Needless to say we jumped at it at. People think we were nuts for getting it instead of a something else, but all it takes is one ride with 2+ adults, five kids and they soon realize it wasn't so crazy. Especially with the price compared to a new mini-van, suburban or expedition. Just can't bet the value and space compared to the other options. We have added the rear carpeted floor mats and plan on adding the side-window deflectors and tailer brake. Cheers, Brian
  12. With the purchase of the NVP, I now have a vehicle that will allow me to rent a car trailer and towing a car once a year for a car show. The car is about 3600 lbs, figure the trailer is 2000 lbs. max. Would I need a WD? If the rented trailer doesn't include a WD or a option for it, any recommendation? Most of the WD I have seen will connect to a trailer without drilling, but they look like they require drilling if they have sway control support. Just figured if I am getting a WD, might as well spend the little more and get the sway control as well. Cheers, Brian
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