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ISO Good ol’fashioned troubleshooting- Rear hvac

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Hola friends! After searching the archives it seems that I either have found a portal to the twilight zone or have an issue that only I have been blessed with..

here goes, few months back on a long road trip rear heater stopped functioning. Checked doors they worked fine. didn’t think about the water valve b/c shortly there after the rear motor went. When we got back I replaced it and was not concerned about the heat since we live in FL. 
Earlier this year the actuator for floor vs roof vents started glitching. It would switch from floor to roof on its own, almost seemed like a short however I could still temporarily control it from the dial upfront but it would not keep position and continue to glitch. The wires seem to be ok, meaning no shorts found yet.
The dial has started go on the fritz now and I can only control the actuators intermittently.

I’m thinking the controller has gone from bad to worse over time however these type parts don’t normally deteriorate slowly… or do they?… wanted to get some feedback, thoughts, good (clean) jokes. Any/all contributions are accepted.

thank you


Edited by boxpusher

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