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Everything posted by crusty

  1. Actually the opposite, not that many complaints. If you go looking, yes you will find them. But far from what I would call common. Not just 17 year olds with no experience. I've watched all kinds of people, including those that should know better, ride brakes. Tour bus drivers, commercial truck drivers. Trained professional drivers are just as capable of unknowingly destroying brake parts as someone who only knows that one pedal makes you go faster, the other slower. I also have know enough of these vans with well over 100k on the original brakes that don't have issues. I'm going to go out and say that most of it is driver induced. Not much about the loose nut behind the wheel to be fixed. IF you think you have a set of perfect brakes that don't have any issues, give me 20 minutes and I can toast them for you.
  2. Quit riding the brakes down the hill. Start downshifting the transmission. Let the motor zing a bit. Computer controlled transmission won't let you over rev the engine.
  3. Nothing different except spring rates and shocks.
  4. Most any tire shop these days will tell you what is going on. Sensors have about 10 years of life, you are at the time that they die. Or they can be missing. Or they could be from a different vehicle (swapped tires and wheels from a different vehicle) and they just need programming. My guess is they have either aged out, or just flat out missing.
  5. Which engine? The starters are very different between the two. The clunk sound is pretty indicative of a starter going out. The solenoid pulls in making the clunk but the electrical connection doesn't happen. The electrical connection is the second step of the solenoid action. Step one, move the starter gear into the ring gear. Step two, make the high amperage connection to the electric motor. Clunk is step one without step two occurring. It works after a try or two as the contacts and other parts get a little shaking from the clunking. Aftermarket starters are well known for there poor quality. Even with a lifetime warranty, it just means you get good at changing them for another that will need replacing in a year or so. The V6 engine has the starter down low near the exhaust. A little easier to get to but more exposed to the elements and road splash. The V8 is in the valley. Little more difficult to access as you have to lift the intake to reach it. But it is generally better protected from road splash and exhaust heat. For those that cry that is a stupid place to place a starter, having to remove the intake to access it, remember that the V6 you have to remove the upper intake to change the spark plugs.
  6. You know the seats can be installed in regular or limo mode.
  7. Check for worn bearings (fan, idler, tensioner, alternator, etc.) When an engine shuts down, sometimes the engine spins back a little bit. A cylinder coming up on compression but doesn't get past top dead center. The compressed air spins the engine backwards a little bit. maybe a quarter of a turn? If a bearing is off and when moving backwards it may cock sideways enough to toss a belt.
  8. Backup camera doesn't beep, that is the rear sonar. Press and hold the sonar button (really long time, 5, 10 seconds, something like that) and it will turn off. Then you are free to back into stuff without it beeping at you. The camera is just a camera, it isn't smart enough to see stuff and beep at you. Keep your tires filled, Don't see any problems here.
  9. What alarms? I can think of maybe two. Key in reminder and seat belt reminder. Is there another one that is a problem?
  10. What are you using to isolate the 2nd battery from the starting battery? If you have a 2nd battery, and just wired it in addition to the first, you really only have one battery. It may be in 2 places, but the effective result is if you only have one. Get everything you added off the original electrical system and onto its own battery. Use a clean way to charge that second battery (DC-DC charger is pretty common). That leaves you the aftermarket high output alternator. I am not a big fan, too many times I have found the aftermarket stuff a bit sloppy on tolerances, like voltage regulator settings.
  11. Just the tail lights, or all of the park/running lights? Liscense plate lights as well? Did anyone splice in trailer wiring that wasn't originally there?
  12. Never heard of it before. Have a picture of the crack?
  13. Just at idle, but works at speed? That is you are low on coolant. All modern Nissan trucks are like this. Also note that the radiator is the INCORRECT place to top off the coolant. The pressurized coolant bottle is what needs to be topped off. If it is low, the suction line on the bottom will suck air into the system. The heater core gets a bubble in it. The good news is it is as simple as fill it and drive. The internet is full of complex solutions to filling the cooling system. The cooling system is designed to rid itself of bubbles just by driving around. You need to get some RPM in the engine driving around so the water pump will actually push water through the bubble. Once you get the bubble moving around it will vent itself in the coolant bottle.
  14. You can also make it better by allowing a choice for email notifications. For some horrible reason Admin has it locked on that I will get an email for a couple categories. When I get those, I will no longer respond to that thread anymore. I DON'T want emails forced to my in box. I'll get back to it when I get to it. Adding emails is only annoying. They would be blocked, except I may need an email to reset a password or something like that some day.
  15. Might move the NV200e to a "non-North American market NV200", add in diesel and manual transmission stuff. I see a fair number of posts from overseas that are confusing since they are asing about stuff that doesn't exist over here. So little taxi, it could just be rolled into the regular NV200.
  16. This is exactly why most vehicles don't even have an oil pressure gauge anymore. People are looking for an exact value it should be at. There isn't an exact number. I love the old industrial engines. There is a red band on either side of the green band in the middle. It is in the middle, it's good to go. What value is it? Doesn't have one.
  17. crusty

    sat nav

    This site is for the Mexico built American NV200s. The European models are very different. What you are describing, asking about, completely over our heads. We know nothing about your model.
  18. crusty


    Doing exactly what I told you to do, search that code. Turbocharger has lower than expected boost levels. Check your air filter, could be clogged. Check your boost plumbing for leaks. Check the intercooler for damage. Check the wastegate for being stuck (partially?) open. Turbo may have failed. Clogged exhaust. Nothing special about being a NV200. Just follow regular diagnostics for that code. Use the same search engine you used to find this site.
  19. crusty


    Double check the code. They are usually P(Powertrain) and a 4-digit number. 3 digits doesn't work. Next put that into your fovorite search engine and see what the internet turns up.
  20. crusty


    That would be overseas model for most everyone here. No turbos in the states.
  21. Was a supercharger package available is key. It was discontinued after only a couple of years. Early in the 4.0 production run.
  22. The 4.0 is well known for not accepting boost. Years ago there were many attempts made, find them at club frontier. As far as I know, they all resulted in a blown up engine.
  23. That would be harder than you expect. Get one from a van. There are a bunch of little things that are different. The engine to ECM harness is longer on the van, fan shroud different, etc. Buy a whole rolled van so you have everything. You will struggle and spend more money by just getting an engine and trying to chase down all the little things that are differnet.
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