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About axulsuv

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  1. And next to Porche , they are the most trouble free new car you can buy ... (So say the tabloids ...) And so far (100 miles on the clock) I'm impressed with build and performance ... May get another NV when $$$ permits , but this move saved me about $350 a month in expenses ...., Just gotta put a hitch on the soul so I can haul my bike trailer ... :)
  2. Hate to say it , but due to some issues beyond my control , My NV just got replaced with a Kia Soul ... I already miss my van , But the little kia is way cool .... All the Best and ADIOS ! Glenn
  3. I've just been real busy lately , spend all my free time sleeping !!!! Glenn :)
  4. VW's are notorious for coolant temp sensors , get it replaced , it will send erroneous signal to ecu & gauge , make the ecu think the motor is doing something it's not , and can lead to other issue's. 'Just say'in ! :) Glenn
  5. As a old school mechanic and racer , Nitrogen belongs in track cars ... It was introduced into the consumer market because of tpms sensors. pure nitrogen doesn't expand or contract much, if any with hot & cold , So your tpms doesn't come on , on cold mornings . Alot of the early tpms systems would lite up with a 3-5 psi drop .newer ones have a bit more range . I've been running plain old air in mine since new , checking psi COLD biweekly , and at 73k , Im still waiting for my tires to wear out ... Nascar uses pure nitrogen to control the tires shape and deflection , when you hear the comments about the tires getting getting to temp etc. , they are referring to the contact patch temp , those tires get quite sticky @ race temp .If your gonna run nitrogen in your tires , set them about 5 psi above the sticker rating to get the same wear , not slightly under-inflated wear. If the manufacturer figured the loads and psi for nitro , they would come with it from the factory ... Just my 2 pence ., and someone is making BANK because of tpms systems & nitro ! Consumers ain't what they used to be , Most folks 20 yrs.ago checked their tires at least every other fillup , But big brother is watching out for us now ............................... Glenn.
  6. Looking at the roof from the inside on my low roof cargo , I wouldn't walk directly on the roof . Dents and possibly seam splitting ... But i think with a rack and walkway as above you may be ok . The positioning of the rack mounts looks like it would place the load onto the sides of the van . If I were you , I'd go look at a bare bones cargo like mine so you can get a better mental picture of how the roof is made and supported. Bring a camera , notepad and a tape measure with you for reference ... And I think your creative enough to pull it off with a little deep thought ... Maybe a aluminum loading ramp for a walkway with some floating supports to the cross beams ??? Close your eyes and you'll see it ...!!!! Glenn
  7. And your F150 has a Frame !!! :) As you know the transit is just a unibody , so will never be a proper tow vehicle ! :) Glenn
  8. Boy ! now I want steering brakes and auto release back doors too !!! Glenn :) cool vid !
  9. I'd have to say the first place I'd look would be the power supply to the IPDM , ( the fuse block behind the battery . ). But without a wiring diagram in front of me , all I can add is look at the pos. battery terminal , big lead goes to starter , and the smaller ones feed the subsystems. And check the always overlooked ground points and connectors ... Good luck , Glenn
  10. The alternator voltage regulator is a internal part of the alternator these days ... Glenn
  11. Don't all the Nv's use the same rear end ? , except for gear ratio's ? And if one of those would work , it could be installed in a couple hours , without removing the carrier from the housing , just get out the jackstands , slide the axles out a inch or two and yank the cross pin and spiders .... May be worth a phone call or two to find out ! But for you guys that tow some weight , a Detroit , grizzly or a zip locker may be a better choice , And I'd be willling to bet the GKN piece is only available from Nissan as a complete unit , so gonna be quite pricey !!! On edit ; This is about all I could find for lockers , Now to determine exactly what our rear end is shared with ... https://www.ringpinion.com/DiffWizard.aspx 'cause with a tow vehicle , a switchable locker is just about a necessity , so you can turn at low speed and not eat rear tires and or have real bad understeer at speed ! Glenn:)
  12. This piece might be a much cheaper (less expensive) alternative, could be worth some contact .to gain the info ... ..https://www.ringpinion.com/b2c/spartanlocker.aspx https://www.ringpinion.com/b2c/ProductDetails.aspx?ProdID=9173
  13. If you've got yourself a cargo van there are loads of 6 or 8 mm bolt holes all throughout the interior and tie down anchors already in the floor. But if you got a NVP you should go to a nissan dealer with a camera and take some notes and pictures of the mounting points in a cargo for reference , and then carefully look behind the upholstery in yours and see if they are there ... I suspect they maybe . If they are your problem is solved real easy , just buy the hardware you want and bolt it in . I've got a couple of MOTO-CINCH tie down anchors in my floor for when I go compete by myself and don't bring the bike trailer.Best of luck Glenn
  14. The seat bases may bolt in place of each other , but then you'll have the issue of the seat belt anchors which are part of the seat frame ... It could possibly be done by a good fabrication shop , but I personally don't think it would be worth the effort cost and safety wise ... Maybe look for aftermarket seats that will do the job your after ...?
  15. The last good Mopar product had a 440 six-pack in it .... !!!!
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